Wednesday, March 29, 2006

This being my first blog ever, I wasn't sure what to say or post. I decided to post a image that I had done in photoshop which led me to a movie idea that I'm working on. The drawing of the kids were done in a really boring meeting. They were tiny liitle sketchs. I decided to scan them in the computer and built the scenario. I liked it so much that it led me to all kinds of other images. I hope you like it.


At 3:34 PM, Blogger stephen Silver said...

this is your very first comment. welcome aboard.

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

I love this drawing. I'm glad you have a movie idea for it because it is quite worthy of one.

At 2:02 AM, Blogger TotalD said...

Was an animator ? You are an animator (it's a life sentence ) , one that does 2D , 3D, illustrates, sculpts and does story boards. All disgustingly well. It's high time you had stuff up. I look forward to seeing some of your sculpts up too. Great work.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Richtoon said...

Whoa!!! Fantastic Stuff!! Kids and zombies/ How can this possibly go wrong?

At 12:48 AM, Blogger Ardian said...

Teu ngarti pisan bahasana, sakali" mah ngajieun artikel teh nu ku bahasa sunda atuh lah, meh bisa rada nyambung ngomentaran na, ulah kieu terus

Penyembuhan & Pemulihan Pasca Patah Tulang Selangka Obat Herbal untuk Menyembuhkan BAB Berdarah yang Sudah Terbukti Dapat Mengatasi Secara Alami, Efektif & Aman Obat Edema Paru 13 Hal yang Dapat Menyebabkan Mengi Tanaman Herbal yang Bagus untuk Melancarkan Haid / Mensturasi / Datang Bulan Cara Mengatasi Nyeri Dada Akibat Asam Lambung dengan Obat Herbal yang Sudah Terbukti Ampuh 6 Hal yang Dapat Menjadi Penyebab Munculnya Benjolan Di Leher Obat Sekelan Obat Leuncangeun Cara Menurunkan Darah Tinggi


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